74% OFF full tuition - Twin Flame Masters Program 3mo. initiation

For the next 12 Twin Flame Masters Program student members, tuition will be $1,440 (-$4,115 tuition reduction) for the 3 month initiation period.*
*Tuition Installment plan available at $555/mo. x 3 months.
***Expires 12/21/2022, limited to 12 approved applicants*** 

12/12 Ascension Gateway 12 OFFER:

The 12/12 Ascension Gateway is about the ending of cycles and the beginnings of new ones.
This is a perfect time be working on furthering yourself on your Twin Flame Journey.

Twin Flame Masters Program [TFMP]
Ascension Gateway 12 – 2022

3 steps to claim:

(click on each to expand)

    • To apply to the Twin Flame Masters Program you will be asked to enter an Invitation Code (IC#), Enter the following:


TERMS: for the next 12 Twin Flame Masters Program student members, tuition will be $1,440 (-$4,115 tuition reduction) for the 3 month initiation period.*
*Tuition Installment plan available at $555/mo. x 3 months.
***Expires 12/21/2022, limited to 12 approved applicants***