- Twin Flame Masters' PREP School
So many Twin Flames (spiritual people) struggle with having abundant finances
– we decided to do something about it!
So you can get on with
(and your Twin Flame Journey)
What you will be working on:
Consciousness Mastery & Abundant Finances
PREPARE you & Pay For - Twin Flame Masters Program

The Self-Mastery Six (6)
A major part of your Twin Flame Journey will be your journey towards SELF-MASTERY. It’s a pre-requisite for a successful Twin Flame Union where both you and your twin are working together towards a common goal: ONENESS.
But before all of that can happen (successfully) you need the proper funding required to feel whole and pay for whatever you want. There is nothing to be ashamed about here, it’s all part of the journey and one of the COMMON major aspects of a healed and healthy Twin Flame is learning to be COMPASSIONATE towards others. So many of us go through very very VERY humbling experiences to fully embody this lesson.
Also, spiritual people in general struggle with finances – it’s pretty much the norm. Well it’s time to take your money back. This is how we will do it.
Below are the 2 different areas of Mastery you will be working on during your PREP School time period: (click on each to expand)
- There are 9 Wholeness categories
- You will be working with Abundant Finances during your PREP School experience
You will be learning how consciously take charge of your life.
Simple yet highly effective practices will help you:
- Disable the negative auto-pilot
- Disable social engineering
- Empower you to FEEL BETTER NOW
Being able to consciously focus your attention is critical for:
- Improving the quality of your life
- The Twin Flame Journey
- Your Self-Mastery
Review The PROGRAM
Twin Flame Masters Program
The Twin Flame Masters PREP School is designed to prepare you for the Twin Flame Masters Program [TFMP]. It’s designed specifically to help with financial abundance and show you that you can fund whatever you need to do in your life. This is a skill you will need to be WHOLE Unto Yourself and navigate your Twin Flame Journey successfully.
If you have not reviewed the Twin Flame Masters Program as of yet, please click the button below.
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If you think you might be ready...
APPLY to the TFM PREP School
If you feel like you’re ready for the Twin Flame Masters Program,
Yet need some financial help,
Here are Your NEXT STEPS:
1. Apply (button below)
(Then, if your application is accepted…)
2. Phone interview (you’ll be contacted)