The Twin Flame Journey PRO-EVAL consists of 30 short videos, the Twin Flame Journey Checklist (PDF download) & 24 question evaluation that takes around 90 min. to complete, plus a 60 min. PRO Evaluation and Q-n-A with RawB LOVE.
For those who are SERIOUS
about their Twin Flame Journey.
You could be feeling...
The Twin Flame Journey is often very triggering and can be very frustrating to understand what is happening and why.
Being on the Twin Flame Journey can be incredibly isolating because very very few people truly understand what you are going through.
There is A LOT of bad information out there about Twin Flames & the Twin Flame Journey and very limited good information.
KNOW that YOU CAN get to a space of feeling...
You feel hopeful and patient about the future and your Twin Flame Journey in general.
You now feel supported, seen and understood. You've found your Twin Flame Family.
You now feel certain you are on your path, you know what your work is and you are doing it.
Watch short videos that explain:
+ What a Twin Flame actually is
+ Why the Twin Flame Journey is challenging
+ Overview of The WORK needed
+ Resources & Tools available to you
Twin Flame Journey Checklist (PDF download)
Completing the Twin Flame Journey Checklist gives you a visual representation of your current progress and also shows you where your work is currently at. Includes: + Twin Flame MANTRA – six affirmative statements for the TFJ + 24 Check-boxed Statements total + 3 Things to Keep in Mind + TF Journey Checklist SHORT EXPLANATIONS
Twin Flame Journey Readiness Self-Evaluation
Watch 24 short videos that explain each question and give you info and insight into how to be ready for your Twin Flame Journey. Includes: + 24 short videos (around 2min. each) + 24 multiple choice questions + 1 Twin Flame Journey Readiness Self-Evaluation Score
Twin Flame Journey Readiness PRO-Evaluation & Question-and-Answer with RawB LOVE
RawB LOVE will meet with you via ZOOM (or phone), ask you some questions about your Self-Evaluation and you can ask some questions too. Includes: + 60 min. PRO-Evaluation with RawB LOVE + Q-n-A about your Twin Flame Journey with RawB LOVE + 1 Twin Flame Journey Readiness PRO-Evaluation Score
Get YOUR TFJ PRO-EVAL Readiness Score...
Twin Flame Journey
Readiness Score PRO
RawB LOVE will personally review your Self-Evaluation with you and give you his professional evaluation of your Twin Flame Journey Readiness SCORE.